With so much going on in the Netherlands any vacation there is sure to be a jam-packed one. Being one of the happiest places on earth you can’t help but smile when exploring the beauty of the Netherlands. A Netherlands visa may be required for some nationalities and reading through this article you can find out exactly how to apply for one along with some of the best things to do in the country
How To Get A Netherlands Visa
The Netherlands usually referred to as Holland, is located in western Europe. As well as being part of the European Union the Netherlands is also part of the Schengen agreement. This means that some nationalities will need to acquire a Schengen visa in order to visit. Along with the Schengen visa application form additional documentation is needed for the Schengen visa to be approved. These documents include flight itineraries, hotel reservations, financial proof of sufficiency, travel insurance, and a no objection letter. Flight itineraries are commonly known as dummy tickets and are reserved flight tickets to and from the destination country. The embassies strongly advise against purchasing real flight tickets prior to Schengen visa approval. Flight itineraries can be purchased from specialized companies. The Schengen visa application process requests hotel reservations to ensure that accommodation is secured for the length of the trip. Travel insurance will cover the traveler medically whilst abroad. A no objection letter should be written by a teacher or an employer and should state that the traveler is financially stable due to employment/scholarship status. It should also mention that the traveler is expected to return to their home country to resume study/employment commitments. For more in-depth information on Schengen visas or any of the documentation mention above head to VisaBookings.


Things To Do In The Netherlands

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